Greetings! Our church family continues to flourish as new members and visitors join us, enriching our community with their presence and spirit. As a part of the two-point charge serving both Lake Arthur and Welsh, we are blessed to worship together every Sunday—Welsh at 9 AM and Lake Arthur at 10:30 AM.

This year, we have also made some exciting updates to our facilities! We have remodeled the Fellowship Hall, installed new restrooms, and upgraded our air conditioning system to ensure a more comfortable and welcoming environment for all who join us.

We are deeply grateful to our dedicated volunteers who serve with such passion and commitment. Your efforts make a tremendous difference, allowing us to extend our reach, share God’s love more broadly, and continue to fulfill our mission. Together, we are making a meaningful impact in our community and beyond.

We look forward to continuing this journey of faith with all of you. Thank you for being a part of our church family!

Sunday School is at 9 AM, and our worship begins at 10 AM. We also have a contemplative service on the first Monday at 6 PM. Contemplative Worship is a form of worship that focuses on quietness, stillness, and silence in order to connect with God.

Lake Arthur Meal Ministry is a community mission that provides meals to shut-ins. Twice each month, FUMC helps with this mission. We cook, package, and deliver about 30 meals on two Wednesdays. Watch the church bulletin for details on how you can get involved. This group meets in the Kitchen.

Our food pantry collects items for distribution in family Christmas baskets. Items needed are listed on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Bonnie’s Blessing Box is outside of our church and provides essentials for anyone needing help.

Lake Arthur is sponsoring a mission team to Honduras. Dean Sawyer leads the mission. Please contact the church office if you would like more information.

Pastor's Corner

Uniting with another church to share the cost of a pastor brings several benefits beyond financial considerations. It fosters unity and collaboration within the community of believers. Sharing resources enables both churches to alleviate the burden of a full-time pastor's salary while enjoying the advantages of shared leadership. A wider range of backgrounds, experiences, and spiritual gifts is brought together. And congregants can learn from one another and grow in understanding God's love.

However, challenges arise when changing worship times and sharing Bible study schedules. Coordination and open communication are crucial to finding common ground and ensuring both congregations feel valued and included.

Despite the challenges, the future for both churches is bright and hopeful. Through this partnership, they can forge a stronger, more vibrant community of believers. Together, they can embark on new ministries, reach a wider audience, and more significantly impact their local area. Sharing resources and talents can provide broader programs and support for their members and the community.

I look forward to the journey ahead, united in faith, joy, and love.

Blessings to all,

Rev. Craig

New Members

By Baptism: Katherine Fox

By Transfer from another denomination: Duane Hymel

By Transfer of Letter:

Johnnie Frederick, Jeannie Frederick, Jeanie Lewis, Brent Sawyer, Michelle Sawyer, Kaitlyn Sawyer, Charles Sawyer, Dean Sawyer, Laura Sawyer, Emily Sawyer, Eric Janise, Sandra Shutz, Cade Domingue, Uvonne Domingue, Theresa Lyons, Elizabeth Harris Mack

                        Income           Expense          

January            $8,205,77        $8,753.77

February          $8,028.85        $8,383.84

March              $7,760.00        $8,578.10

April                $9,441.00        $7,479.43

Thank you for your faithful support of Lake Arthur First United Methodist Church.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Jackie Hymel, Jacqueline Durand, Betty Wade, Dianne Sparks, and Bryan Lyons.

Bible Trivia Answers: Thomas and King David