What to expect when you visit?

We are a friendly and open congregation. You may sit anywhere you like. You will be given a folded bulletin with our order of worship printed inside. There is a large-screen television at the front of the church. The liturgy from the bulletin is also displayed there.

At the morning worship service, the congregation sings traditional hymns from the UMC hymnal. Since we do not have a church musician, the accompanying music is played electronically over the sanctuary speaker system. Sometimes, guest musicians perform special music.

We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Our services are about 40 to 45 minutes in length. Following the service, there is a coffee fellowship in the Fellowship Hall, located next to the Sanctuary. Coffee, tea, or soda are free.

Restrooms are located in the hall behind the Sanctuary.


An adult Sunday School Class meets each Sunday at 9 AM. We use the Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies curriculum.